OsiFoundation will participate in the international secdefense security event to be held in Brazil from 11 to 12 December 2019

OSI (Occidental Studies Institute), with the objective of contributing in the Security sector and in different international realities, moves to Brazil this time to participate in SecDefense Brazil from 11 to 13 December 2019. There is no doubt that this activity will mark a milestone in the areas of Public Security and Defence in Brazil,… Continue reading OsiFoundation will participate in the international secdefense security event to be held in Brazil from 11 to 12 December 2019

OSI Foundation participates in a Conference at the Escuela Superior de Guerra de las Fuerzas Armadas de Argentina (Argentine Armed Forces War College)

Professor David de Caixal, Director of OSI FOUNDATION (Occidental Studies Institute) gave on 08/10/2019 a lecture for the students of the Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas, on “Turkey’s role in the Syrian conflict”; analysing geopolitics and geo-strategy in the Middle East. Within the Course Introduction to Polemology I thank General… Continue reading OSI Foundation participates in a Conference at the Escuela Superior de Guerra de las Fuerzas Armadas de Argentina (Argentine Armed Forces War College)

Protected Radio with comprehensive security

Reviewing the Protocol with the Senator of the Partido Popular Mr. Fernando de Rosa and the Lieutenant of the Guardia Civil Mr. Fernando Rafael León to begin the Technical Conference onHealth Security and Prevention of Aggressions in the Hospital San Juan de Dios in Bormujos Seville. Protected Radio (Intereconomía) always supporting and promoting the integral… Continue reading Protected Radio with comprehensive security


18 de Diciembre -19.30 h.- Debate Televisado ANTONIO MORA GUANCHE Ex- Director General de Industria del Gobierno de Canarias, Gerente de Consultoría Estratégica, Profesor- Doctor en Ingeniería Industrial, especializado en Innovación y Asesor Senior en Estrategia y Desarrollo Regional en OSI, Occidental Studies Institute MARIO CONDE Ex-Presidente de Banesto, empresario y escritor. MIRTA R. ACERO… Continue reading 2018


PROGRAMME CONFERENCES Friday 1st December 2017 09.30 AM Opening of Conferences. Dr. András Lénárt. Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies and Propaganda Filming at University of Szeged. Senior Advisor in Institutional Speech & Mass Media at Occidental Studies Institute. 10.00 AM Islam in Europe or Islamic Europe? Integration of Muslim communities in Europe. Dr. László Csicsmann… Continue reading 2017