Occidental Diplomacy
With this master’s degree, the student will acquire a general knowledge of the enduring meaning of Western culture and the influence of religion. This will also serve as an introduction to the world of international business and _ global affairs both geostrategically and geopolitically.
An important aspect of the master’s degree is its optional subjects. Hence, high-profile professionals in various fields will discuss the current state of affairs both within the West and in its external relations with Africa, Asia, the Mahrek or Maghreb, and others.
This is a unique master since it offers the student a comprehensive global awareness of our shared Western Culture. Especially intended for non-Occidental students, but also for Westerners who wish to train in international relations, diplomacy, politics, or in any area of international business and finance, this master can provide a humanistic access to all of the estates and sectors that our Occidental system comprises.
The structure of the master Occidental Identity and Global Affairs is specified below:
Module 1: Occidental Identity
- Occidental Identity
- Ancient and Classic Heritage
- Relations between State and Religion
Module 2: International Business
- Business Intelligence
- Macroeconomics and Global Policies
- Administration and Accounting
Module 3: Global Affairs
- Global Policies
- Geostrategy @ Geopolitics
- Global Counterterrorism
Final Project Master (FPM)
Electives: Occidental Identity
- Christian Culture and Religion
- Compared Religions
- Jewish Culture
- Family and Social relations
Electives: International Business
- Leadership and Diplomacy
- Innovation and Science
- Web and PHP design
Electives: International relations
- The European Union
- United Kingdom and its Commonwealth
- Hispanic-America
- North America
- Canada
- Australia and New Zealand
- Israel
- Russia
- Relations with Asia
- Relations with Africa