Friday 1st December 2017

09.30 AM

Opening of Conferences.

Dr. András Lénárt.

Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies and Propaganda Filming at University of Szeged. Senior Advisor in Institutional Speech & Mass Media at Occidental Studies Institute.

10.00 AM

Islam in Europe or Islamic Europe? Integration of Muslim communities in Europe.

Dr. László Csicsmann

Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations, Corvinus University.

11.00 AM

European identity in flux

Dr. Boglárka Koller

Dean, Faculty of International and European Studies, National University of Public Service, Budapest.

12.00 AM

The People ofthe Book and the Origins of Western Values.

Dr. David Berstein

Dean of Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in New York and Jerusalem. Institute.

3.30 PM

Identity Challenges & Opportunities in the Middle East: Recovering the Roots of Western Culture at The Polis Institute an Saxum Conference Center Projects in Jerusalem.

Dr. Mercedes Rubio

Director of Academic Affairs at Polis – The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities-. Coordinator of Saxum Pedagogical and Research Programmes in Jerusalem.

4.30 PM

The evolution of Turkey Identity in the last century.

Dr. Aysun Akan

Lecturer in Society and Politics, Ankara University, Turkey.

5.30 PM

Islam and Occident. The silent conquest. Is dialogue possible?

Dr. Raad Salam Naam

Senior Lecturer in Arabic Philology and Islamic Studies at San Pablo-CEU University, Madrid. Senior Advisor in Comparative Cultures & Middle East Affairs at Occidental Studies Institute.


Saturday 2nd December

3.30 PM

Re-imagining Leadership; Leadership concepts in the West.

MSc. Ariane Agostini

Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Management at Regent´s University, London

4.30 PM

The Crisis of Democracy and the rise of Populism: LA vs EU.

Dr. Giorgio Alberti

Former Professor in Political Sciences at Bolognia University, Italy. Senior Advisor in Global Policy at Occidental Studies Institute.

5.30 PM

Yes to regionalism, no to a “multi- speed” Europe: Europe from a Central European Perspective.

Dr. Zoltán Gálik

Associate professor in International Affairs at International Studies Institute, Corvinus University.

6.30 PM

E3R: Europe of the Three Region. Towards a powerful new integration; dynamics with a sub- regional macroeconomic cooperation.

Dr. Christian Ghymers

Former Professor in Macroeconomics at ICHEC-Business School, Former Senior Advisor in DG ECFIN in EU, Deputy-President of Triffin Foundation and President of IRELAC, Brussels. Senior Advisor in Global Governance & Macro Policies at Occidental Studies Institute.

7.30 PM

Occidental Studies Institute: A New Vision.

Richard Ivan Simons

Senior Expert in Corporate Finance and International Investments, London & New York.
Founder Member, President of Occidental Studies Institute and Senior Advisor in International Foreign Market.

Dr. Mirta R. Acero

Director of Research in IRELAC, Brussels, area of European Affairs. Founder Member, Director of Occidental Studies Institute and Senior Advisor in Occidental Identity & European Affairs.

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